Co-creating Long-term Impact through a culture of Learning and Innovation
Transforming Leadership for an inclusive and sustainable world.
Create a leader that impacts their lives, their work and their community
Like Rizal, students enrolled in TRAIL will be supported in thinking of creative solutions to address the root causes for the current economic, ecological, social, and spiritual crises facing the country and the world today.

Capitalize in one’s highest future possibility and actualize leadership through lead by example.

Create a culture of learning together and innovation to drive exceptional results and achieve your organization’s full potential.

Develop leadership capacities to engage teams and co-create collective aspirations.

Create a community of change agents co-creating a better Philippines
How We Help Our Clients
Leaders in institutions around the world face unprecedented economic, social, ecological, and political challenges locally and globally. These challenges are multiplying in number and growing in complexity; leaders must develop innovative tools to confront them.
In doing so, they can create opportunities to reinvent business models and identities, transform social change protocols, and work more collaboratively with governments.
Stories from the Field
Take a look at how each of these companies have journeyed through the U Process and applied by different innovation leaders in their respective companies. Witness their experience of the three areas of transformation: Self; Organization; and Society.

Philippine Span Asia Carrier Corp. is one of the largest domestic shipping companies in the Philippines in terms of number of vessels and gross tonnage. The Company provides inter-island cargo services throughout the major ports and cities in the Philippines.
The business was founded by Affiliated Electronics Service Corporation (ASERCO) in 1979 and has the widest network support providing Abenson’s customer requirements.
“…Por la Educación Recibe Lustre la Patria”
“Education Gives Luster To The Motherland”
– Jose P. Rizal, National Hero of the Philippines
TRAIL is an educational initiative from leaders of Business, Civil Society and Government intended to offer executive training programs and technical support for change agents and innovative leaders, wishing to continue Rizal’s work for structural reforms which he started in Dapitan. Like Rizal, students enrolled in TRAIL will think up creative solutions to address the root causes for the current economic, ecological, social and spiritual crises facing the world today.
” The only sustainable competitive advantage is an organization’s ability to learn faster than the competition…”
– Dr. Peter Senge
Best Selling Author, Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Management

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